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Bring more Spirituality to your Home Environment

December 4, 2019

In your daily life there is so much think about and do. And then there are the holidays… The holiday season is a magical time of the year so why not focus on the spiritual side of things and less on the stressful to do’s? One easy way to incorporate more spirituality in to your . . . Read More

Diabetes Testing. What does it all mean?

November 1, 2019

November is diabetes awareness month and Pisgah Valley is always happy to share information about this disease that affects so many. Currently there are over 100 million people living with some type of diabetes in the United States according to a 2017 report by the CDC. Contrary to many people’s thoughts on diabetes, this disease . . . Read More

Understanding Balance Challenges within Humans

October 1, 2019

Preventing falls is a priority for anyone at any age. Falls can range from a very simple loss in balance resulting in the need to grab a wall before hitting the ground or they can be severe by making complete contact with the ground resulting in a blow to the head or broken limb. Either . . . Read More

Your Brain on Humor

August 28, 2019

Finding time for one joke in your day may make you smarter, healthier, sexier and happier. It’s no joke that at Pisgah Valley we like to have fun and that laughter can be the best medicine (no pun intended) but do you know exactly how laughter activates the brain and the multiple benefits we receive . . . Read More

Summer Safety Tips for Alzheimer’s Sufferers

July 16, 2019

As we approach the dog days of summer, warm weather safety is a priority for all but especially those who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease.  Along with the pleasant summer weather are get-togethers, vacations, and simply, more time outdoors especially in areas like Asheville.  This can be a fun time of the year but it can . . . Read More

Improving Teenage Mental Health How Grandparents can play a Vital Role

June 17, 2019

July is teenage mental health month and for good reason.  The rates of teenagers being diagnosed with mental health problems have risen alarmingly over the years indicating that young people are suffering from increased stress due to many environmental factors, peer pressure, and societal expectations.  As grandparents who have lived and learned, seniors play a . . . Read More

Senior Eating Tips

May 28, 2019

Eating well at home can be a challenge for many different types of people especially seniors.  One solution is to turn to convenience foods such as premade frozen meals, canned soups, sandwiches and fast food combos.  Although these foods provide flavor, calories and some nutrients they are seriously lacking in fiber, minerals, and vitamins.  They . . . Read More

Retirement Goals: Balance the Good with the Bad…. Stress, that is!

April 25, 2019

CREATION health, the whole health wellness program teaches us that “regardless of length, rest offers energy for the burned-out and restoration for the broken.”  Rest is a necessity for us to keep going psychologically and physiologically.  One factor that affects a person’s quality of rest is stress. Everyone experiences stress.  That’s a fact.  How a . . . Read More

Eating for Longevity

March 18, 2019

In modern day societies, nutrition has become a complicated subject.  We have big food companies with the goal of making money and not so much of a goal to provide the public with nutritious, wholesome food.  Nowadays navigating the grocery store requires skill, knowledge and discipline.  As we focus on Nutrition throughout the month of . . . Read More

Setting Your Attitude for the Day

October 11, 2018

There are a lot of choices we make each day and then there are details about life that come with no choice like who your parents are, what day you were born, or what the weather is going to be like.  As humans we have the incredible power of choosing to have a positive outlook . . . Read More

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